Wednesday, August 02, 2006

a rainstorm for every plant

In my front flower beds are 9 oleanders I started from cuttings, 3 mountins laurels grown from seed, basil grown from seed and columbine in several places. In a big pot are some cosmos. Out back i have two fig trees grown from cuttings, a fence soon to be taken over by a variety of morning glories, and up on the back porch is a whole smattering of potted plants. I even have a couple of mexican buckeye trees started from seeds. inside i have little cuttings from various plants rooting in bottles and jars in the window and little ziplock bags filled with wet papertowels and mesquite tree sprouts and esperanza and some other crazy flowering tree.
every morning i get up and water them all saying to myself "a rainstorm for every plant". i tell the oleanders their job is to grow big and tall to shade the house and to grow as many flowers as they can. I tell the trumpet flowers in the pots out back to grow big and make lots of flowers so the house smells nice.
I know it all sounds funny but the weather here in Austin has been around 100 degrees daily for over a month now with no rain. i HAD 11 oleanders. i HAD 6 mountains laurels. i planted not only columbines but also lupines and sweetpeas and nasturtiums and four o'clocks and delphiniums but only the columbines came up.
hot as shit.
so i tell the plants they have a job to do and encourage them and tell them i'm proud of them and gosh, they just look so pretty. and then i give them each a little rainstorm.


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